8 Inspirational Quotes by Brilliant Black Women Entertainers

If you’re anything like me, you live for motivational and inspirational quotes. I’m definitely someone who has quotes all over my vision boards, hydroflask, letterboard, planner, and wherever else I can put them. Sometimes, other people are just better at saying what we need to hear to feel inspired or motivated. Last year, I shared some of my favorite quotes from my favorite Black authors during Black History Month. I meant to do that this year but February flew by.

In honor of Women’s History Month and to make up for my slacking in February, this blog post will be dedicated to some of my favorite inspirational quotes from Black women I look up to and admire in the entertainment industry. These women all inspire me in different ways and their words are so helpful as I work towards being the successful woman I want to be.

“I don’t like to gamble, but if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself.” ― Beyoncé Knowles

“I don’t have any time to stay up all night worrying about what someone who doesn’t love me has to say about me.” ― Viola Davis (during an interview with Oprah Winfrey)

“You can’t let fear paralyze you. The worse that can happen is you fail, but guess what: You get up and try again. Feel that pain, get over it, get up, dust yourself off and keep it moving.” ― Queen Latifah

“I discovered that joy is not the negation of pain, but rather acknowledging the presence of pain and feeling happiness in spite of it. ― Lupita Nyong’o

“For the first time in my life, I’m basing every decision around the idea of whether I want to do it or if I think it will be inspiring. And that’s paid off for me.” ― Solange

“Sticking with your vision and what you believe in is so, so important.” ― Zendaya

“Give your growth time ― it took me 10 years and I’m still not 100% there.” ― Lizzo

“Happiness comes from living as you need to, as you want to. As your inner voice tells you to. Happiness comes from being who you actually are instead of who you think you are supposed to be.” ― Shonda Rhimes, Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person

As I’ve already said, I admire each of these women for their own unique contributions to the entertainment industry. They have all done some amazing things in their careers and are still working and adding to their resumes now. Their words will continue to inspire me as I add to mine. Hopefully you are also inspired by these words and remember them in your day-to-day life.

What is your favorite quote to remember every day? Whether it’s from another celebrity, an activist, someone in your life, or even yourself, I want to hear it. Tell me in the comments!

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